A mother and her daughter aged 16 years visited my clinic. Her teeth were fine with no decay but her front teeth had spacing between them and they appeared to be irregular in shape. So she was not comfortable with her smile and would always smile with her lips closed.

She was also feeling low in confidence because of the same reason and wanted a solution to her complaint. 
So I first made Impressions for her upper and lower teeth and made study models to evaluate the spacing,  positions of upper and lower teeth during chewing or biting and accordingly made a treatment plan.
First option was to start with orthodontic treatment using braces to correct the spacing between her teeth and then later on to do composite fillings or laminates to correct the shape of the teeth. 
The patient decided to directly go for composite fillings to correct the space problem as well as the shape problem. 
I then selected the exact shade of a teeth using a shade guide and then did her composite fillings. After all her feelings were done and the space was closed and the teeth were given proper shape.

She was SUPER HAPPY with her teeth and she smiled and laughed openly for the first time. 
It gave me immense pleasure and satisfaction. I was also super happy because I could help her to restore her self confidence.
